Experiment 7: Aggregate with repository

This post is seventh experiment described in post “Experiment: 10 Different implementations of Aggregate“. This one is very similar to the classical example. The goal is to separate more from an event-sourcing framework and making the Repository implemented for actual Aggregate. Reflections on this experiment I don’t see many benefits from this example. In this … Read more

Experiment 6: Duck Typing

This post is sixth experiment described in post “Experiment: 10 Different implementations of Aggregate“. This experiment is the same as the previous one, but without inheriting or describing the protocol/interface for the issue. So the goal is to have separate domain objects per state, no id or messaging inside the domain part. Exception of invalid … Read more

Experiment 5: Polymorphic

This post is fifth experiment described in post “Experiment: 10 Different implementations of Aggregate“. The goal of this experiment is to have separate objects for every state of issue. There is no id in domain classes, not shared state. Also, domain classes are not creating domain events. Reflections on this experiment I like this approach, … Read more